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What Is The Difference Between a Concussion and a Traumatic Brain Injury?

What Is The Difference Between a Concussion and a Traumatic Brain Injury? (PDF)


BRAIN INJURY X-RAYYou should know the difference between a traumatic brain injury and a concussion if you or a loved one have sustained an injury caused by a car crash, slip and fall, or other personal injury accidents. A concussion is one type of traumatic brain injury, but there are many different types. Some injuries may have no symptoms at all, which means it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is any injury to your brain that causes dysfunction. This injury can typically be caused by a personal injury incident, such as a violent blow to the head. A concussion is a type of TBI that occurs when the organ moves and hits the inside of the skull, leading to bruising.

In conclusion, a concussion is a TBI but not all TBIs are concussions.

What fits as a traumatic brain injury?

A traumatic brain injury, like a concussion, may not show any visible symptoms. You won’t know you have one until you talk with your doctor.

Concussions, intracranial hemorrhages, skull fractures, brain contusions, diffuse axonal injury, hypoxia, hypotension, ischemia/cerebral edema are all examples of TBIs.

Is a Traumatic Brain Injury Permanent?

Many people who experience concussions don’t realize that the symptoms can worsen over time and in some cases, lead to secondary brain injuries. You should get checked out as soon as possible after an accident to avoid further complications.

What Are The Long-Term Effects Of Brain Injuries?

Traumatic brain injuries are traumatic, and it takes time for them to heal. It all depends on the type of TBI. Generally, concussions heal within a couple of weeks.

However, other TBIs can take several months to heal. Some victims of severe TBIs may never fully recover from their injury. They might have permanent dysfunction or disability in the long run.

It may take time and money for your injury to heal.

You deserve fair compensation in every TBI claim

If your accident was caused by someone else, you could demand compensation through a personal injury/TBI claim. This includes damages for ongoing issues like physical pain and mental suffering, as well as medical bills and lost earnings. You may also demand additional damages including:

  • Physical pain
  • Mental suffering
  • Disability
  • Medical bills
  • Lost earnings
  • Property damage, such as damage to your car


Wrongful death

Traumatic brain injuries can be fatal, and they can cause a lot of pain and suffering for the victim, their family, and the person’s community. This includes lost income for the family, lost companionship, loss of parental support, and punitive damages in some cases.

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