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The Difference Between Accident and Negligence

The Difference Between Accident and Negligence (PDF)


Most of us go to work every day and do what we’re told. We have a basic assumption that while we’re there, our safety is looked after through proper measures implemented by our employer. But sometimes that assumption falls short.

If you’re not careful and don’t take the time to perform regular maintenance and upkeep, accidents can happen in the workplace because of neglect. And when that neglect happens to your employees, it can lead to injuries, difficulty performing their jobs, a decreased quality of life, and more.

If you know that your injuries were a result of negligence and not simply an accident, you may be able to file a worker’s compensation claim in court. 

What is negligence in the workplace?

Person getting injured by falling down

All of your job’s parts have to work together in order for the whole to be successful. If one part of the process falls through because of negligence, the whole project could fail or be stalled.

When a person is not screened properly and isn’t qualified for their job, this can affect the company’s bottom line. This may seem small, but it can be something as simple as losing clients or customers or costing your business money.

It’s important to screen employees properly so they don’t pose a threat to your coworkers. Negligence in hiring happens every day when time and precaution are not taken before extending an offer.

Sometimes it’s not enough to just be careful when hiring a new staff member. Careful attention to detail is necessary for positions in which details are so essential that the slightest mistake can result in injury or serious issues for customers. If someone applies for a job that includes tasks like cooking and has previously been convicted of being drunk and neglecting such an important task, then this hire would be considered negligent.

Background screenings don’t always reveal the whole story. Sometimes an employee’s performance might raise concerns, even though their background screenings come back clear. If you notice any behavior that could be unsafe to others, it’s your responsibility as an employer to take corrective action.

Ignoring staff retention is called negligent retention, and doing so may leave you open to liability. If your negligent retention leads to another employee being harmed, you could be liable for their injuries.

An employer is responsible for not only training employees but also monitoring them as they work independently. If an employer fails to monitor or even ignores complaints that arise from employees’ actions, they can be held jointly liable for any damages as a result.

Accidents can happen anywhere, including at work. However, it’s important to ask the question: when did this “accident” happen and how could it have been avoided? When an accident at work could have been avoided through better safety precautions, it becomes negligence.

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