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Georgia’s Bicycle Laws: What You Need to Know Before You Ride

Georgia’s Bicycle Laws: What You Need to Know Before You Ride (PDF)

Cycling offers numerous benefits, including staying fit, reducing your environmental impact, and enjoying nature. Despite this, some cyclists may feel uncomfortable sharing the road with motor vehicles. Georgia has established bicycle laws to ensure cyclists’ rights and promote safe road sharing. If you become familiar with these laws, you will feel more secure and confident when cycling.

Key Regulations Every Georgia Cyclist Should Know

    1. Rules of the Road for Bicyclists

The rights and obligations of cyclists in Georgia are the same as those of motor vehicle drivers, which includes following traffic signals, stop signs and other traffic control devices.

    2. Operating as Vehicle Operators

In Georgia, drivers must maintain a safe distance of three feet when overtaking cyclists. If they fail to do so, they can be held responsible.

   3. Passing Distance

The rules of the road require cyclists to ride in the same direction as traffic and to stay as close to the right side as possible. Exceptions exist, such as when avoiding hazards or preparing to turn left.

   4. Lane Positioning

The bike lane must be used by cyclists except when making turns or avoiding obstacles. If there is no bike lane, cyclists can ride on the road or the shoulder.

   5. Signaling

Hand signals must be used by cyclists to indicate their intentions to turn or stop. An extended left arm signals a left turn. Extend your left arm straight to the right with your bent elbow and hand pointing up, or extend your right arm straight to the right to indicate a right turn. To signal to stop, extend your left arm bent with your hand pointing downward.

   6. Equipment

Currently, Georgia law requires bicycles to have a white front light that is visible at a distance of 300 feet. Also, a red rear reflector that can be seen from a distance of at least 300 feet when lit by headlights is required. At a speed of 10 miles per hour, bicycles must also have brakes that can stop within 25 feet.

   7. Helmet Requirements

Georgian law does not require cyclists over 16 to wear helmets, but it is highly recommended for safety reasons. Children under 16 must use a helmet.

Tips for Cyclists to Stay Safe on the Road

Be conscious of your environment and obey all traffic signals and signs. Look out for potential dangers and take appropriate action. Wear clothes that are both reflective and brightly colored, particularly during dawn, dusk, and night, to be more visible. Use hand signals to let drivers know your plans before changing lanes or turning. Opt for routes with cycling-specific paths or low-traffic streets if possible to avoid conflicts with motor vehicles. Also make sure you examine your bike regularly – checking tires, brakes, and gears – to maintain it properly and lower the risk of accidents due to mechanical issues.

Talk to an ATLINJ Georgia Lawyer

Being aware of Georgia’s bicycle laws is essential for your safety and the safety of others on the road. By acquainting yourself with these laws and adopting safe cycling habits, you can confidently assert your rights on the streets and enjoy a more pleasurable and secure cycling experience. For assistance in understanding the intricacies of bicycle laws or inquiries about your rights, reach out to ATLINJ Georgia Lawyer, where professional advice and support are available.

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